Keep your files in order with our digital bookkeeping software

only £25 per month

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What bookkeeping records do you have?

only £25 per month

£349 +VAT

What is bookkeeping?

This is a good question, and one that’s worth getting your head around when starting up your own business. In a nutshell, bookkeeping is looking after a business’s financial records. This includes stuff like: 

Recording all financial transactions
Processing payments

Sending invoices

Completing payroll

Daily banking

Maintaining ledgers

It's common to think bookkeeping is similar to accounting, but that’s not really the case. Bookkeeping is where financial information is recorded and organised. Accounting is when that financial information is taken, analysed and interpreted. While most self-employed people are happy to sort out the bookkeeping part of their business’s finances (perhaps with help from your mate who’s good with numbers, like Digit), it’s better for the accounting side to be looked after by a qualified accountant.

If you ever find yourself in need of accountancy services that Digit doesn’t have all the know-how to give you on their own, you might want to check out our other services. We offer an account filing service, a CIS rebate service and a self-assessment tax return service, all in exchange for easy, one-off payments. 

Why choose us?

We get it; bookkeeping is a pain. It’s one of those necessary evils that we have to do to keep finances ticking along, and there aren’t many of us who can say we enjoy it. Digit’s the only little guy we know who lives for bookkeeping. 

Since making bookkeeping fun is out of the question, we do the next best thing and make it as easy for you as possible. Our team have set up this DIY (Digit is Your) Bookkeeping solution to do just that. 

We'll make sure that you have not only an easy-to-use platform for taking care of your business finances, but also access to our bookkeeping and accounting experts, who you can contact for bookkeeping or FreeAgent assistance whenever you need it.