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How to Claim a CIS Tax Refund

Published: February 16, 2018

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Daily life for builders is busy. Amidst a hectic work schedule, your taxes can become the least of your concerns. But it’s good news if you work under the Construction Industry Scheme, as you could be entitled to claim a tax rebate for expenses as well as overpaid tax.

To help you find out whether you’re eligible for a refund and how to claim, read our helpful guide.

What is a tax rebate?

A tax rebate (also known as a tax refund) is a sum of money you can claim back from HMRC if you have paid too much tax in the financial year.

Am I entitled to a tax rebate under the Construction Industry Scheme?

Under the CIS, you will likely be entitled to a tax rebate, as you will have had 20% tax deducted from your salary to contribute towards your tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs).

As a CIS worker, if you’ve paid out of your own pocket for any work-related expenses such as tools and uniforms, you can also claim this amount back. You can find out more about this in our guide to expenses.

How to claim a tax rebate

If you are eligible for a rebate, one of your options is to claim your tax rebate through the HMRC website. However, this process can be lengthy and complicated.

Instead, we recommend that you use a tax rebate specialist. Having access to the right support means you’ll always have a helping hand to guide you through the process and give you any information you need.

For more information on this, take a look at our guide to claiming your tax rebate.

Help from Brian Alfred

The rules surrounding tax rebates for CIS workers aren’t always clear, and the best way to determine whether you’re entitled to a rebate is to speak to an expert.

The Brian Alfred team are experts in all things tax, so you can always rely on us to provide the best advice possible. To find out more about your tax rebate, get in touch.

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